We provide our customers products with all the looks and qualities of western brand name products, at the made in China prices.China offers favorable business opportunities in terms of growth potential and a low cost source of numerous products due to its labor position and extensive natural resources. China's new membership in the WTO increases its value as a sourcing partner and opens the door to the fastest growing market in the world. Omex Global has the experience and expertise to ensure that companies are successful in benefiting from the opportunities and challenges offered by China.
公司主要经营链轮,轮毂,内胎,飞轮,车圈,链条,轮胎,汽车配件,自行车配件, 链轮,轮毂,内胎,飞轮,车圈,链条,轮胎,sprocket,hub,tube,free wheel,rim, chain, tyre, hub with rubber,motorcycle parts, motorcycle accessories,bicycle parts,bicycle accessories